Commercial waste

We can provide a reliable commercial waste collection for your business at competitive prices. Our professional service can be tailor made to suit the needs of your business and assist you in meeting your legal obligations and responsibilities.

All businesses are required by law (Environmental Protection Act 1990) to dispose of their waste properly and keep records. The website Right Waste, Right Place provides useful information for establishments and businesses so that they can ensure they are complying with the law.

Our document  Your responsibility for the waste your business produces (PDF 23KB) will tell you more about your duties.

Remember your rubbish can damage the local environment and this can be bad for business.

Commercial waste containers

We provide a variety of container sizes to suit your businesses requirements. If the sizes below do not suit your business, please contact our Commercial Waste Officer.

Commercial waste bin details
Size of bin (litres)Height (mm)Width (mm)Depth (mm)Approximate number of bags the container holds

Our flexible service means your container can be emptied at different frequencies - daily basis (Monday-Saturday), weekly, fortnightly and monthly. We can also provide additional empties upon request (additional fee applies).

Our Commercial Waste Officer will assist you in choosing a service that will work best for your company.

Commercial waste sacks

Commercial waste sacks work well for businesses producing less than four sacks of waste per week. They're also ideal for businesses that have restricted space for a container.

The sack price includes the cost of collection, disposal and duty of care for the waste. As the sacks are prepaid they are good value as you only put out waste when you need to.

The sacks are available to purchase from all council offices and at Cupid Green Depot costing £120 per roll of 50 sacks, as of 1 April 2024.

Commercial recycling service

We're implementing commercial waste recycling over a number of phases. We've completed phase one of the commercial waste recycling project, providing collections to customers who were already receiving recycling. The second phase is to further roll out to existing commercial waste customers who do not currently receive a collection of recycling. Phase three will be to offer a recycling collection service borough wide to all commercial businesses.

Contact us

For all queries related to commercial waste, including signing up to our collections, our recycling collection service, discussing your containers, or reporting missed bins, please email or call our Commercial Waste Officer on 01442 228025.

Page Last Updated: Monday, 01 April 2024 at 03:08 AM