Community connections

Find out what's happening in and around Dacorum. Most links will take you to websites run by our partners and other organisations that serve the borough.

Get involved

Regular clubs, activities and opportunities in your community.

Find or offer support

Local support and advice for when you could do with a helping hand, plus opportunities for you to help others.

Out and about

Days out in Dacorum and the local area.

Can't find what you're looking for?

This page is for sites and organisations that specialise in listing several different activities or types of support available. Individual organisations should generally make sure that they are listed with directories such as the Hertfordshire Directory. However, we'd like to know if there is a gap in the types of support or activity listed. If so, please let us know via the feedback button at the bottom of this page.

Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 02 April 2024 at 04:29 PM

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