Business services
Business servicesFilming in Dacorum, business centres, Dacorum's Den, grants and funding, advice and support...
Licences and permitsTaxis and private hire, alcohol and entertainment, animal welfare, street trading, gambling and lotteries...
Business ratesPay my business rates, rates relief, about business rates bills, register for business rates...
EnvironmentPest control, commercial waste, starting a food business, health and safety, pollution...
Property and landCommercial property to let, housing strategy, commercial agents...
Planning and developmentSearch planning applications and appeals, apply for planning permission, new Dacorum Local Plan, pre-application advice, building control...
Commissioning and procurementWhat we buy, how we buy, selling to us, contract register, payment of supplier invoices...
RegenerationHemel Place, Hemel Old Town Place Project, Hemel Hempstead Town Centre Vision, Maylands regeneration, new council homes...