
Find your new wardrobe at our summer clothes swap

Two visitors holding up clothes they've found at the clothes swap event

Want to find your new summer outfit? Then make sure to come along to our summer clothes swap on Saturday 15 June 2024, during Great Big Green Week - a nationwide celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature.

The clothes swap event, which is being supported by Berkhamsted Town Council and Dacorum Climate Action Network, aims to encourage Dacorum residents to support circular fashion rather than buying new clothes, to both save money and prevent carbon emissions.

Clothes swapping is an easy way to update your wardrobe. It’s guilt-free shopping with no cost to you or the environment. Just bring along up to 10 good quality items you no longer wear during the drop-off time and exchange them for something new to you during the swap time.

Where: Berkhamsted Civic Centre, 161 High Street, Berkhamsted, HP4 3HB
When: Saturday 15 June
Clothes drop off: 10am to 11am
Clothes swap: Midday to 1pm

This event is held for you to swap good quality clothing only. Items that are not good quality can either be repaired or, alternatively, recycled at your local neighbourhood textile recycling bank or some retailer 'take-back' schemes. Find more information on our Recycling Centres page.

Any items remaining by the end of the day will be donated to local charity shops.

For more information about our clothes swaps, including the swap rules, please visit our clothes and textiles page.

As part of Great Big Green Week (8 to 16 June), there will be an array of exciting and thought-provoking events, talks and activities taking place across Dacorum, including Berkhamsted Eco Fair, the Great Big Green Berko Bake Off, film screenings and more. For more information about other events, please visit the Great Big Green Week website.