Developer contributions 

What are developer contributions?

Development goes beyond simply finding a site and building a scheme. It impacts the local area, which requires both new infrastructure and investment in existing infrastructure, such as schools and roads. For this reason, we ask developers as part of the planning application process to either include on-site provisions or pay a contribution to us. Traditionally, this has been through a legal process known as Section 106 planning agreements. However, in recent times a new tariff-based system, called the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), has been introduced where developers pay a charge per square metre.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

CIL largely replaces the Section 106 element to our developer contribution system. We adopted our charging schedule for CIL on 25 February 2015, and implemented it on 1 July 2015. No planning application can be validated without the CIL Additional Information Forms.

More information on our CIL and related Planning Application forms

Section 106 obligations

Requirements under Section 106 exist to make a development acceptable in planning terms and, as such, need to meet three tests of being directly related, relevant and true to scale. We mainly deal with unilateral agreements, termed planning obligations, and, in larger schemes, Section 106 planning agreements are negotiated. These are legal and binding to each site.

For more information, please visit our S106 planning obligations page.

The administration process for securing, collecting and spending off-site, commuted sums is coordinated through a well organised and strategic system - not an automated computer interface. A dedicated officer is responsible for managing the system. Decisions for spending are based on infrastructure needs for each development and go through a formal application process before spend can occur.  

Hertfordshire County Council is responsible for Section 106 obligations for roads, schools, libraries, and transport.

Projects funded by Section 106 developer contributions

To find out more about how Section 106 developer contributions have funded recent projects, please see our projects funded (S106) page.

Infrastructure funding statement

For the latest annual infrastructure spending statement, please see below:

Scrutiny panel

To ensure developer contributions are dealt with in the most effective and efficient way, officers report to a scrutiny panel comprising of democratically elected members. This is normally done every year towards the end of the financial year.

Contact us

To speak to us about the use of developer contributions, please email Emma Cooper, Strategic Planning and Regeneration (Infrastructure) Officer on or call 01442 228352.

Page Last Updated: Friday, 21 June 2024 at 10:16 AM