Food safety inspections
We inspect businesses that produce or prepare food for the public to make sure that it is safe to eat.
When we will visit
An inspector will visit your business as part of a routine inspection or because we have received a complaint.
How often we visit depends on the type of business and its previous compliance record.
Inspectors have the right to enter and inspect food premises at all reasonable hours. They do not have to make an appointment and will usually visit without notice.
What we will do during the visit
Our inspectors will:
- always give you feedback on their inspection
- discuss any hazards they have identified with you
- explain what action you can take to avoid hazards.
We will give you a reasonable amount of time to make changes, except where there is an immediate risk to public health.
Action we can take
Our inspectors can take action to protect the public. For example, we can:
- take samples and photographs of food, and inspect your records
- serve a hygiene improvement notice setting out what you need to do
- detain or seize suspect foods
- serve a hygiene emergency prohibition notice. This forbids the use of premises or equipment
- recommend a prosecution in serious cases.
If a prosecution is successful, the Court may ban a person from managing a food business. It could also lead to a fine or imprisonment.
After the inspection
Following an inspection, we will rate your business using the Food Standards Agency’s food hygiene rating scheme. The scoring ranges from 0 to 5, with 5 being ‘very good’ and 0 being ‘poor.’ To find out more, please read the Food Standards Agency’s guide.
Responding to your rating
If you do not agree with the rating we give you, you have the right to reply, you can appeal or you can request a revisit. Find out more about responding to your rating.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, 01 May 2024 at 10:30 AM