Sports pitches

We provide sports pitches at locations in Hemel Hempstead, Berkhamsted and Tring. These include rugby, football and cricket pitches, as well as showers and changing facilities in some areas. Click on the links below for more information.

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  • Hemel Hempstead
    Hemel Hempstead sports pitches
      Football pitch  Junior football pitch  Mini football pitch  Rugby pitch  Mini rugby pitch Cricket pitch  Baseball diamond  Changing rooms  Showers 
    Chaulden playing fields  1  -  - 1 3  -  - Yes Yes
    Warners End valley  9  - 2  -  - 1  - Yes
    Coronation Fields 4  -  -  -  -  -  - Yes
    Reith Fields 1  -  -  -  -  -  - Arrangement Arrangement
    High Street Green   -  -  -  -  - 1  - Yes
    Leverstock Green 1  -  -  -  -  -  - Yes
    Pennine Way 3 1  -  -  -  -  - Yes
    Grovehill 5  - 2  -  -  - 1 Yes
    Cupid Green 2 1 2  -  -  -  - Yes
    Gadebridge Lane 1 2 3  -  -  -  - No No
  • Berkhamsted
    Berkhamsted sports pitches
      Football pitch  Junior football pitch  Mini football pitch  Rugby pitch  Mini rugby pitch  Cricket pitch  Baseball diamond  Changing rooms  Showers 
    Butts Meadow  1  -  -  -  -  -  - Arrangement Arrangement
    Velvet Lawn 2  -  -  -  -  -  - Yes Yes
  • Tring
    Tring sports pitches
      Football pitch  Junior football pitch  Mini football pitch  Rugby pitch  Mini rugby pitch  Cricket pitch  Baseball diamond  Changing rooms  Showers 
    Pound Meadow  2  -  -  -  -  -  - Yes Yes
    Miswell Lane 1  -  -  -  -  -  - Arrangement Arrangement
    Mortimer Hill  1 1  -  -  -  -  - No  No


Football pitch hire

Football pitch hire costs
Football pitches Unit measurementCharge
Adult (including pavilion)13 games£976.50
Adult (excluding pavilion)13 games£703.50
Junior (aged 11 to 18 - including pavilion)13 games£506.50
Junior (aged 11 to 18 - excluding pavilion)13 games£353
Mini (aged 7 to 10 - including pavilion)13 games£314
Mini (aged 7 to 10 - excluding pavilion)13 games£216.50

Sports pitch hire

Sports pitch hire costs
Sports pitch hire (football and rugby) Unit measurementCharge
Adult (including pavilion)Match£82
Adult (excluding pavilion)Match£60
Junior (aged 11 to 18 - including pavilion)Match£51.50
Junior (aged 11 to 18 - excluding pavilion)Match£39
Mini (aged 7 to 10 - including pavilion)Match£33.50
Mini (aged 7 to 10 - excluding pavilion) Match£23.50

Cricket pitch hire

Cricket pitch hire costs
Cricket pitches
Unit measurementCharge
Adult (including pavilion)Match£82
Adult  (excluding pavilion)Match£75.60
Adult (weekday evening match excluding pavilion)Match£49.50
Adult (training - no marking required)Match£39

Tennis court hire

Our refurbished tennis courts at Cupid Green Playing FieldsReith Fields in Adeyfield and Coronation Fields in Bennetts End are free to use. You can book a court on the LTA website.

Our courts at Pound Meadow in Tring are also free to use. No booking is required.

Conditions of hire

Please read the conditions of hire before booking.

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  • Sports pitch conditions of hire
    • The sports pitches must only be used for the purpose for which they are hired. The hirer(s) shall not sub-let to any person, firm, company or organisation. The booking is only applicable for the period of hire detailed on the booking confirmation slip.
    • The hirer(s) will be responsible for providing any medical attention or facilities, which may be required on match day.
    • The hirer(s) will not take vehicles onto council land other than car parks without the prior written consent of the authorised officer.
    • The hirer(s) shall be held responsible for and shall pay for all damage caused by the hirer(s) to the playing fields, pitches and pavilions, fair wear and tear excepted.
    • The hirer(s) shall be held responsible for all council equipment used during play.
    • The hirer(s) must return all council equipment to the pavilion after use. An equipment inventory will take place in every pavilion before the start of the season.
    • The hirer(s) shall be held responsible for ensuring the pavilion is locked and all services (showers, lights etc.) are turned off following use. Failure to comply with this procedure will incur a minimum fixed penalty of £25.
    • Persons leaving any items in the pavilions do so at their own risk.
    • The hirer is responsible for taking away all litter after the game. Failure to comply will incur a fixed penalty of £25.
    • Pitch charges for casual bookings are payable in advance.
    • A pavilion key for non-authorised key holders will be available from the Clean, Safe and Green Department, Cupid Green Depot, Redbourn Road, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 7BN on the last working day preceding the match, or by prior arrangement with the Outdoor Recreation officer. A £10 deposit will be charged for its use. This will be refunded on the return of the key. The hirer(s) may not make duplicates of the key.
    • Where the hirer(s) is a constituted body, the hirer hereby undertakes to arrange Public Liability Insurance cover for their team (minimum level £2 million). Proof of this may be requested. We have the right to terminate this agreement if insurance cover is not obtained.
    • We have waived the requirement for non-constituted hirer(s) to produce evidence of Public Liability Insurance. We have effected an extension to our own Public Liability policy to provide such cover. Under the terms of the policy an excess of £250 will apply in respect to third party property claims.
    • The hirer(s) hereby indemnifies us against any liability or claims concerning damage to property or injury to persons arising out of this hiring agreement.
    • We reserve the right to call off matches at any time without notice, but will endeavour to give reasonable notice if possible.
    • We reserve the right to determine the allocation of venue and pitch number(s) for the season and the right to refuse any application.
    • We reserve the right to vary the foregoing conditions and the hiring charges.

Contact us

For more information, please contact Chris Price.
Telephone: 01442 228765

Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 02 April 2024 at 10:15 AM

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