
The Maylands Business Park is being developed as a sustainable, well connected green business park, where a diverse range of businesses grow and prosper. 

The vision for Maylands includes improving the appearance of the business area, providing a high standard of commercial accommodation, shops and amenities, as well as delivering renewable energy, developing the Maylands Gateway, and regenerating the Heart of Maylands.

Maylands Masterplan

The Maylands Masterplan was prepared by Llewelyn Davies Yeang for ourselves and the Maylands Partnership to promote the regeneration of Hemel Hempstead's main employment area (Maylands Business Park). It was formally adopted as a planning policy statement on 20 September 2007. It will be used:

  • In development management (to help determine planning applications)
  • in reviewing the Local Plan, taking aspirations forward in the new Local Development Framework.

Maylands Masterplan report

Heart of Maylands Development Brief

The Development Brief below sets out background information on the site and presents aspirations for future development in the Heart of Maylands. It sets out guidance on land uses, layouts, design and landscaping, access and movement and requirements for the delivery of sites, and will be used by us to help guide development management considerations in the area.

 Heart of Maylands Development Brief (PDF 1.99 MB)

Maylands Gateway Development Brief

The Development Brief below sets out background information on the site and presents aspirations for future development in the Maylands Gateway. It sets out guidance on land uses, layouts, design and landscaping, access and movement and requirements for the delivery of sites, and will be used by us to help guide development management considerations in the area.

 Maylands Development Brief (PDF 1.85MB) 

Maylands Business Park Design Strategy

 Maylands Business Park Design Strategy (PDF 9.64MB)

Maylands Business Park Improvements Specification

 Maylands Business Park Improvements Specification (PDF 45MB) 

Page Last Updated: Wednesday, 18 April 2018 at 05:48 PM

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