About paying your rates bill
When to pay
Your bill is due in monthly instalments, payable by the 15th day of each month from April to March. This means you will get 12 instalments for an annual bill, but fewer instalments if your bill is issued after 1 April.
If you pay by Direct Debit, you can choose to pay on the 10th or 21st day of the month.
Your payment dates are on the front of your bill. If you do not keep to payment on these dates, we may cancel your right to pay by instalments. We would then take action to collect all the rates you hadn’t already paid. If you have a problem paying on any of these dates, please contact us straight away.
How to pay
There are a variety of ways you can pay your Business Rates:
Direct Debit
To set up a Direct Debit online you will need:
- To be a named account holder of the account you want to use
- To be the only person needed to authorise a Direct Debit on that account
If you cannot confirm these two, you can download, print and post the Direct Debit forms.
You can also find out more about what Direct Debit is and how it works on the Direct Debit website.
Alternative ways to pay
Page Last Updated: Monday, 18 March 2024 at 04:55 PM