Register for business rates


I will fill in this form correctly to the best of my knowledge. I understand that knowingly providing false or misleading information is fraud, and a criminal offence for which I may be prosecuted.

I also understand that my information may be shared between different Council departments, with central government, and with other partner organisations to coordinate services, verify my identity, prevent fraud and protect public funds in accordance with the law.

The address where you live, not your business address.


Business details

Business type

Business contact details

The property

Your use of the property

What is the relationship of the business to the property?




Other parties

Other premises

You only need to fill in the following questions if you are also vacating a property in Dacorum for which you pay business rates.


Important information

In order to register for business rates we require a signed copy of the lease/licence agreement. Please forward this to If this is not sent, it will hold up your registration for business rates.

How we use your information

We process your information in accordance with the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018.

For more information, please see our privacy policies.

Page Last Updated: Thursday, 30 July 2020 at 10:58 AM