Vision and priorities: corporate plan 2020-2025

Every few years, our councillors and senior managers look at what we aim to achieve for residents and businesses in Dacorum. These aims are based on what you tell us is important to you:

  • A clean, safe and enjoyable environment
  • Building strong and vibrant communities
  • Ensuring economic growth and prosperity
  • Providing good quality affordable homes, in particular for those most in need
  • Ensuring efficient, effective and modern service delivery
  • Climate and Ecological Emergency - working to deliver net zero carbon.

Corporate Plan

Read our   Corporate Plan 2020-2025 (PDF 3MB)

Our vision

"Working in partnership to create a borough which enables the communities of Dacorum to thrive and prosper."

Growth and Infrastructure Strategy to 2050

Our Growth and Infrastructure Strategy "Shaping the future of Dacorum", can be read here
 Dacorum Growth and Infrastructure Strategy to 2050 (PDF 6MB)

Annual Report

To find out about how we measured up against our priorities last year, and our plans for 2022-2023, read our Annual Report 2021-2022 (PDF 8MB) (an accessible plain text version is also available:  Annual Report 2021-2022 - plain text version (PDF 168KB))

Page Last Updated: Friday, 31 March 2023 at 12:06 PM

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