Appeal against a Penalty Charge Notice (parking ticket)
If you feel that you have been issued with a penalty charge notice unfairly, you can challenge it.
Step 1: After the Penalty Charge Notice
You must challenge your Penalty Charge Notice in writing using any of the following methods:
- Online. Visit
- By email to
- By letter to Parking Services, PO Box 921, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP1 1ZP
You must make your appeal within 14 days of the penalty charge being issued.
- Tell us why you believe that you shouldn’t have to pay the penalty.
- Quote the Penalty Charge Notice number and include your full postal address.
- Please include any documents that are relevant to the challenge - for example, disabled badge (let us have a copy of both sides of any disabled badge), permit or voucher, or a work order (as proof of loading or delivery).
We will respond to your challenge in writing within 14 days, and let you know if your challenge has been successful.
If you challenge the penalty charge within 14 days of it being issued, you will still be able to pay the fine at the discounted rate if your appeal was not successful.
Step 2: The ‘Notice to Owner’
If you challenge your penalty charge and it is not cancelled, and you still have not paid it 28 days after the penalty charge notice was issued, we will send a legal document called a ‘Notice to Owner’ to the vehicle’s registered keeper at the address supplied by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA).
The Notice to Owner gives you a further 28 days to either:
- pay the full penalty charge, or
- make formal representations to us.
Formal representations
To make a formal representation about the penalty, please complete and sign the Notice to Owner form. The Notice to Owner includes a form titled “Representations”. Return the form to: Parking Services, PO Box 921, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP1 1ZP.
Grounds for appeal
When you make a formal representation, you can use any of the following grounds:
- I was not the owner of the vehicle at the time of the alleged contravention.
- The vehicle was parked by a person who was in control of it without my consent. If your car was stolen, we will need a police crime report number and the name of the police station that the crime was reported or proof of an insurance claim from the insurer.
- We are a hire firm and the person hiring the vehicle has signed a statement accepting liability. We will need to see a copy of the agreement, including the name and address of the hirer.
- The alleged contravention did not occur. You will need to explain why you believe no contravention took place including any proof you feel is relevant.
- The penalty charge exceeded the amount applicable in the circumstances of the case. You will need to explain why you believe you have been asked to pay more than you are legally liable to pay.
- There has been a procedural impropriety on behalf of the authority (Dacorum Borough Council). You will need to explain why you believe we have acted improperly or in breach of the regulations.
- The penalty has been paid, either in full or at the discounted rate within the discounted period. You will need to supply proof of payment - for example, a receipt or your payment reference number.
If there are any other reasons why you consider we should cancel the Penalty Charge Notice, you will need to explain your reasons in full.
If your representation is successful, we will cancel the Penalty Charge Notice and the Notice to Owner. If your representation is not successful we will send you a ‘Notice of Rejection’.
Do not ignore the Notice to Owner. It is your last chance to appeal. If your case progresses to a Charge Certificate, you will no longer have the right to appeal and the charge will increase by 50 per cent to £75 or £105 depending on why you received a Penalty Charge Notice (parking ticket).
Step 3: Appeal to the Traffic Penalty Tribunal
If you disagree with our decision you can appeal to the independent adjudicator at the Traffic Penalty Tribunal. The adjudicators are independent of us and their decision is final and binding on both parties.
You can appeal by visiting the Tribunal’s website.
The website explains what the adjudicator can consider and how to appeal. There is no charge for appealing and costs are not normally awarded.
You should appeal within 28 days of delivery of the Notice of Rejection.
If you are unable to appeal online you may request a paper form from the Traffic Penalty Tribunal by calling 01625 445599 and leaving your name, address, telephone number, vehicle registration mark and Penalty Charge Notice number.
We will put the case on hold while the tribunal considers your appeal. The decision of the tribunal’s adjudicator is final and binding on both parties. If your appeal is allowed, you will not have to pay the penalty charge. If it is not allowed, you will have to pay the full amount (£50 or £70 depending on why you received a Penalty Charge Notice).
Page Last Updated: Friday, 02 October 2020 at 01:48 PM