Dacorum at 50 Fest

Join us on Sunday 29 September 2024, from 11am to 5pm, as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Dacorum borough, at the Dacorum at 50 Fest! We’ll be marking this momentous occasion with a host of exciting activities and attractions for all ages across Hemel Hempstead town centre. Whether you're a resident or visiting, this is an event not to be missed. We look forward to celebrating this moment of community, history and togetherness with you.

Event highlights

Grand Parade

Experience the spectacular parade, supported by Handmade Productions. Watch as puppets, performers, and community groups bring colour and energy to the streets, showcasing the spirit and diversity of Dacorum.

Local market stalls and food vendors

Explore a variety of local market stalls and food vendors offering delicious treats and unique crafts. From gourmet food to handmade goods, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Crafts, games and entertainment

Enjoy a range of crafts, games, and entertainment throughout the day. From interactive activities for children to live performances for the whole family, there's no shortage of fun and excitement.

BID Hullabaloo

Running alongside the Dacorum at 50 Fest, Hemel Hempstead Business Improvement District’s Hullabaloo will add even more excitement to the day. Don’t miss this fantastic addition to our celebration, bringing extra vibrancy and fun to the event.

Bustling venues

Market Square

Immerse yourself in the heart of the festivities with a range of market stalls, plenty of food and interactive entertainment.

Water Gardens

Relax and unwind in the beautiful surroundings while enjoying various activities.


Discover more market stalls, entertainment, and activities as you explore this lively area. 

More information

For more information and updates, follow us on our social media channels and check this website regularly.

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Page Last Updated: Thursday, 20 June 2024 at 03:21 PM